I was searching craigslist and ran across someone I thought was interested in selling a 2005 White Honda Accord. And after I asked for a VIN# to look the car up to check it out because the price was just too good to be true, they sent 28 pictures and a information on how I could go about starting the process here’s their reply, using the name of Allison J. Smith and email address allisonsm2@gmail.com, thanks to this site they really could have gotten me! And anyone who gave their information couldn’t feel as stupid as me!
PLEASE people beware this has taught me a valuable lesson. I keep saying “THEY” because who knows whether this is a man or woman. But we know for sure it’s a person with no morals at all…..There should be a way criminals such as them be called out….No face to the game of scamming!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scam reported at FightTheScams.com
They strike again